Wednesday, June 18, 2014

I dare you to...STOP!

Hello to all readers! 
Today's dare of the day is a difficult one. One that I too still struggle with at times. Something that is rapidly over taking our generation, especially us women folk. 

That my dear friends is a little seven letter word, that is constantly bombarding us...and that is "Judging." 

Dare of the day: 
I dare you to...STOP Judging! 

Judgement; A silent war that is happening among us and the root of it all, comes from judging others. 

Judgement of each other, is still a very real thing of today; 
We all have done it, we all still do it, but the real question here is...
"How do we all, stop doing it?" 

Verse of the day: 
Today's verse of the day is founded in Jeremiah 7:5 it reads...
"Change the way you are living and stop doing the things you are doing. 
Be fair in your treatment of one another." 

This verse right off the bat tells us to change the way we live and to STOP What we are doing. 

Today, take a step with us in our journey and dare to stop judging others. 

Most of us here,  have heard the quote "...And they will know us by our love." That truly make my heart skip a beat...

As Christians, judging is actually more of a battle, then some. 
Sometimes, we have this notion in our minds that we are better than others, now that we have the 
King of the universe leading us. 

Yes, we are better off with him leading us. But No, we are not better than others, nor are we to ever look down on others. 

"Never look down on someone unless you are helping them up." 
~Jesse Jackson 

Action Plan of the Day: 

We are supposed to love others, like Christ loves us. We are all called to love. If you judge people, you have absolutely No time to love on them...

The only way to start this radical change in our generation is to become a generation of young people that will not look on the outward appearance and judge. 
But a people who will look at the heart and see the true potential. 
Even today, choose to love instead of Judge! 

Most of the time, we judge others because of the lack of confidence in ourselves; We need to learn to love ourselves. Check out tomorrow's post as we chat about 
"Loving Yourself." 

Until Next Time, 

1 comment:

  1. This is very good advice. None of us know what the other person has been through. Understanding and supporting each other is vital for God's people.
