Monday, June 16, 2014

I dare you to...Re-start!

Good Morning Beautiful Ladies,
Welcome! Uniquely Yours Women's Ministries
is so excited to be hosting this online event!!
Today's topic is all about 
"Restarting our hearts."

Dare of the day:
I dare you to...Restart!
You maybe reading this and are kind of puzzled at what I mean by "restarting"...Maybe you were raised in a Christian home and are just having a really hard time following the path God has for you...or maybe you are a diehard Christian and just are so exhausted from always serving at your church....that or you aren't even a Christian.
Doesn't matter who you are, what your past looks like or what your future may seem to look like...
Today is a bookmark of change in your Life.
Are you ready?
Are you ready to press the re-start over your life?

 Dear Heavenly Father,
We are so very grateful for this day in our lives and for this incredible opportunity to be able to change our ways.
God, I pray for every single woman reading this...
God, we are ready to start the change in our generation. We are ready to be that example you are calling each of us to be.
Lord, bless us as we walk through this week of change together.
We prepare our hearts now.
Lord, we ask you to hit the "Restart."
For #Nowisthetime to change...
and we are ready!!
In your precious name,

Verse of the day:
Today's verse is found in, 2 Corinthians 5:17. It reads... 
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.
The old has passed away; behold, the new has come."
That Verse just completely reaffirms
what I previously said about,
How it doesn't matter what our past looks like...
Because in Christ, we are all new creations!!  
I absolutely love the part of the verse, where it says
"...behold, the new has come."
Action Plan of the day:
Restarting your life isn't just something you say...
So if you don't have a plan of action in place,
nothing will ever stay changed.
Today's Action Plan takes a little bit of faith and a very willing heart. But I believe in you all
and I know we can do this together!
Take a moment today, and write down some areas in your life, that you would like to see changed In the near future.
This could be school, work, family, or friends related.
 Pray about these areas and ask God for wisdom to show you the way to deal with them.
If you need guidance or prayer we suggest talking 
to someone in whom you trust.
This could be your parents, youth leaders,
pastors or even mentors.
They will give you as much wisdom
and direction as possible!
And remember if you don't feel comfortable talking to people about these areas, you always have a Heavenly Father ready to chat at anytime.
Well, that's it for today Ladies!
Check in tomorrow as Bethany shares from her heart about our Identity in Christ. 
 Also Check us out on insta-gram in the meantime...
Our Insta-gram account is:
Hashtags: #Daretochange #Nowistheitme #RESTART 
Until Next Time,

1 comment:

  1. What you young ladies are doing is beautiful. We so rarely see young women dedicated to the Lord. I have been a Christian for many years and enjoy blogging about Bible Prophecy. Perhaps you would like to check out my blog at I pray many young and not so young lives will be changed by your efforts and prayers.
