Written By: Joanne Rivest
I am a Daddies Girl. For those of you who know my dad,
I think all would agree, that my dad is a very unselfish man. When I was little I would notice that he would never eat until all around our table would have their fill. We could be on our second plate, and he would stand back talking and laughing with that deep belly laugh, just making sure there was always enough for others. My mom has said there was many days that my dad and his older siblings would wait to make sure that there was enough food for all of the children before they took their portion, as food was sometimes scarce for a family of fourteen. As I grew, I wanted to be just like my dad.
My favorite clothing item was a light blue t-shirt that he bought me with "daddy's girl" written in sparkles across the front. As a child there were some things I would do or like, just to be like my dad, in fact I think to this day I only like peas because my dad likes them!
I was blessed to have a dad that taught me the value of volunteering. My dad is a behind the scenes kind of guy, and these jobs had him volunteering for hours and hours every week, setting up and tearing down the church equipment every Sunday in our rented facility.
Through his actions, I knew that my dad valued hard work and selfless giving.
As I grew, I was blessed to have a morning coffee date with my dad as he came in from yet another midnight shift from the factory, I knew that we would have 20 minutes to visit together before he went to sleep, and in those moments he would ask me all about my day, and we would talk about life and friendships and yes, even boys.
My dad endured countless talks about my future husband. I would ask him if he thought he was the right one for me and he humored me by allowing me to go on and on about how I knew that 'he' was the perfect one. Many of you reading this might not know this about my father, but he is an amazing listener.
Our morning coffee/ tea chats have continued throughout my lifetime.
Almost every morning at 8 o'clock my dad arrives at my door, and we visit, you see my dad has given me the gift of time. In this crazy world we all live in, my dad has truly shown his family how important we are to him, in the giving of his time.
My dad has also been there for others. He is the first one ready to help in a project to bless someone else. I have watched him work for hours on end, in order to help out someone in need.
He has worked daily beside my husband, selflessly giving of himself for the past 18 years to further our home building business. There are no words that could possibly express how much this sacrifice has meant to us.
Thank you dad, for instilling in me a soft heart, that desires to serve others.
You have truly been a blessing to our family. I have watched you sacrifice your own wants, and instead placed first the needs of others. You have been a living example to me, exemplifying how to give selflessly, love unconditionally, and live life fully. Thank you for always giving the gift of time, for that is a gift that has given me precious memories that will never fade or disappear.
About Joanne:
Joanne is a wife to the love of her life and best friend, Jeff and together they have four children Kyle(19), Lauren(17), Conner(14) and Katherine(9). Joanne is actively involved in her church and community with a passion to serve Christ with her whole heart! Joanne home schools her children, loves to read and can always be found in a pair of heels with a tea in hand!

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