Monday, May 26, 2014

{Part One} "I'm Sexy and I know it? Wait What?!"

Every single day of our entire lives, we are being force fed with messages about how women 
and girls 'should be.' 

The World tells us all, that women are and should be 'sexy.'
It is in the Television shows, the movies we watch, the music that is played, the magazines we quickly flip through while waiting in line at the cash,
it's even in the billboards we drive by. 

The world tells us that the ideal woman is to be
hot, sexy, and sassy.

Women of all ages these days, 
judge there popularity successes by the attention
they get from the opposite sex. 

From the mini skirts, the too tight skinny jeans, flimsy blouses, and very low revealing v-neck t-shirts...
The shorter the skirt, the tighter the blouse,
the better it seems these days.

The lie that is so often spoken is...
"If you dress sexy and engage in sexual behaviour the more popular you are in the social scheme." 

It definitely is each woman for themselves, in this case of the 
"Survival of the prettiest." 

However, I know for certain this is NOT what God wants His precious Daughter's to be acting like. 

Your worth, but most of all your value, is not based on
your body image, nor being 'sexy.' 

We each are created unique in God's eyes and we're made in the image of him and that is truly where our worth and our value should be founded. 

Yes, this may sound easy...
but in this fallen world, nothing is easy. 

The obsession with how our bodies look and what clothing we are wearing is becoming more and more of a rapid issue. 

We use the worldly things to gain value and some sort of feeling of acceptance.
We have learned to make idols of only ourselves. 

A realignment and a shift of ourselves with God's values is very much needed in our broken generation,
but How you may ask? 

In the Bible it says: 
"God is more concerned with our heart and character,
more than our bodies or our clothes." 

Our identity as Christians lies in 
only Christ and never in our outward appearances. 

Coming soon {Part Two} Entitled:
"Restoring Modesty in our generation."

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. I would love to start a business making modest wear for young girls. I am busy with my children right now but maybe one day. It is increasingly hard to find clothes for my girls. Ones that look like shirts when they are dresses. Sigh. Good post!
