Wednesday, February 18, 2015

A Families forever impact.

Proverbs 12:7(b) 
"...the house of the righteous stands firm." 

As I sit here typing this Blog-post about family...
I have the biggest smile plastered from ear to ear.
With pure joy and true gratefulness. We are so blessed. 

Over the years, we have had the incredible opportunity to truly 'love on people' and I mean, to really love on them. To open the doors of our home and hearts. Invite them in, just as they are; To encourage them, pray with them, and to lift them up in their weary journeys. 

To become family with them. 
To be open and vulnerable about Life. 
To be that place of security, a judgement-free zone. To be that safe-peaceful haven of Love, Laughter, Friendship, but most importantly...of Family. 

Family, may I remind you dear readers, isn't just the people who live in your home. 
Family, is whom ever walks through your front doors. 

Family, is that special dinner guest.
Family, is that broken down teen staying in your home. 
Family is that desperate Mom, in need of help. 
Family is those people, that are just in need of a hug. 
Family is not always about having the same last name...A Family is built on a stable, firm foundation of Love. 

Family- A group of people united 
by a significant shared characteristic.
A household. 
Loyalty to one another. 

At times, with many friends over, late sleep-over nights, dinner guests, drop -offs, pick-ups and the busyness of life in general, it honestly feels like a train station of people coming and going through our home. 

Then it is, in these moments of sheer craziness that I see it all, in a totally new perspective. Our Lives so-called busyness, doesn't even begin to compare to the incredible change and forever impact, a strong loving family, can have on a single individual even in a short amount of time. 

Now I'm not saying, that we are the perfect fun-loving family with all the love in the world to give. Because at times, we don't have enough Love to give...
We all are human, it happens. 
We too sometimes grow weary in our own journey, but when we do have great amounts of strength and Love...
We for sure won't be keeping it to ourselves. Being apart of a Family makes you feel wanted, accepted, cherished, and Loved. 
If someone is not feeling that in their home...
It absolutely breaks my heart. 

I encourage you dear readers, open up your homes, and as always be on guard for your Family, while opening your home. Be watchful and continually cover your home and those who walk through it, in a constant prayer covering. 

Be that one super fun-loving Family. Always ready to give-up, and go-without, to see someone go further in their walk with Christ. Never forget the forever impact you could truly be making on someone's life. 

 Joshua 24:15(b) 
" for me and my household, we will serve The Lord." 

Until Next Time,


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