Hello Wonderful Friends and Readers, We are so excited to be already on {Part Three} of our mini series!
Wow, has time flown by!!
We have had such an amazing response to the last posts in this mini series and we hope you
truly enjoy this one as well!!
Today, we will be chatting all about 'Faith' and the significance of faith and the different views we all have of faith...Sit back, relax and enjoy!!
It was true faith that brought
Isaac into Abraham’s arms.
Faith, that kept Peter up when he walked
upon the crashing waves.
Faith, that helped Moses lead the Israelites across
the Red Sea.
Faith, that healed the blind man
Calling out to Jesus.
It was Faith that caused the walls of
Jericho to tremble and fall.
Faith, that got Joseph through many years
of waiting, in the deep dark dungeon.
It was Faith, that helped
David through many years of hiding in the desert.
'Faith' is such a beautiful treasure.
In Hebrews it is defined as “being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see”.
It’s having great confidence that God will come through for us even when nothing in our whole life gives us reason to prove that He will.
It's faith, that we will see a better tomorrow, in this fallen world.
It’s believing that He will answer your many prayers for a sweet little baby, just like He did for Sarah and Abraham, even after years without any answer.
It’s believing that when you are stuck at a dead end in life, like Joseph and your dreams are not even close to being remotely fulfilled, that He will still find a way out for you and a place for you to begin your next season of life.
It’s believing that when after years of struggling with your sickness and your pain like the blind man and the bleeding woman that with just a single touch from our mighty Heavenly Father, you will be instantly healed and completely whole again.
It’s believing that when you step off the rocky boat like Peter, out of your comfort zone onto the crashing waves and into the great unknown that He will be right there beside you, helping you take every single shaky step of the way.
I have just recently really been learning and discovering that faith looks so different to everyone,
and sometimes having faith requires taking action, and other times faith means standing still and waiting.
I like to think of Faith as if,
It’s like a motion door that
won’t open, until you start moving.
And in many cases I believe that is true.
Before Peter could walk onto the water,
he first had to step out of the boat.
A step in Faith.
Before the lady with the bleeding issue could be healed, she first had to reach out to Jesus.
An act of Faith.
Before the walls of Jericho fell, Joshua and his men marched around it for seven days.
A sacrifice of Faith.
In each one of these situations people have had to prove their faith by taking action, by being obedient to what God tells each of them to do, even if it meant being out of their comfort zones or doing something that made no sense.
Though we may not march around Walmart until it's walls come tumbling down, we still have tons of opportunities to test our faith and take action even in the culture we live in.
Its the exact same for us...
We want great things to happen in our lives.
We want to perform miracles in our everyday lives.
We want incredible testimonies of how
God is working in our lives.
We want to fulfill these desires,
the visions, the dreams God has truly planted
deep in our hearts.
But… We don't even have the guts to take
that one step of Faith.
Today, are you ready to take that step in faith?!
Yes...it's scary! Going against the trend of this world,
isn't always easy.
But together as a community of encouraging
brothers and sisters
I believe we can take that step!
Dear Heavenly Father,
Whatever it may be in their lives...
A rut, a dead end, a season of waiting,
a time of chaos.
Lord, we ask that you would help us today
to take a step of Faith
and give every situation to you.
Whatever it may be, big or small!
We give it to you. We are taking a step for our future in Faith, knowing that you will protect each of us in a unique way and give us
the true desires of our hearts.
We pray this in your precious name, Jesus!
I hope you are blessed by this :)
Until Next Time,
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