Good morning and welcome to my (Bethany's) last dare of the has been such an awesome time together as we have grown stronger In our faith and changed our ways!

Dare of the Day:
I dare you to..Trust God!
Trust plays a major role in our lives. It takes a lot of time to build it up, but it could take seconds to tear it down. Rebuilding it can also be painful. Trust is putting yourself “out there” and can sometimes lead us out of our comfort zones. Trusting people may be easy for some, but what about trusting God?
How much do you trust God? You may trust a family member’s advise, or entrust a friend with a sleepover secret....but do you trust God with the most important thing? Your life? Or what’s even more scary... your future?
Trust and future work together like puzzle pieces. The more you trust God, the more pieces He gives you. The more pieces you have, the clearer the picture becomes. Yes, it can be troublesome and just down-right confusing. Sometimes it can even be worrisome when the pieces don’t seem to fit. But remember, it’s a process... and the finishing product is well rewarding.
So the puzzle pieces seem to fit... But how?
Verse of the Day:
Today’s verses are from Proverbs 3:5-6. They say...
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”
These verses really show us that trust and future do go hand in hand. It gives us a glimpse of how our puzzle will turn out, without getting stuck on the harder sections. And remember, God created this puzzle; He already knows the finishing product. If we follow these instructions, it’ll be an enjoyable experience.
Trust is hard to do these days when the world is trying to persuade us, but #Nowisthetime
Action Plan of the Day:
Today I dare you to trust God more with your worries. Make a list of all the things you are stressing/worried about; then give them ALL to God. Pray about them. Lay your worries at His feet. He doesn’t mind at all. In fact, He said so in Psalm 55:22 “Cast all your cares on me....” Trust does take time to build up, but I promise you, God won’t break it. He only wants to make it stronger.
Join us on instragm as we post quotes of giving God our worries and trusting Him more. If you have a verse, or quote you’d like to share, please feel free!
Don’t forget to use the hashtags: #Daretochange #Nowisthetime
Until Next Time,
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