Friday, August 15, 2014


"Let the name of the Lord be glorified, now and forevermore." ~Psalm 113:2
Ladies...have you ever thought the decisions you make today, both spiritually and physically will affect your future children and your future children's children?
This question truly puzzled me in my
quiet time the other day.
The amounts that you pour into your relationship with the Lord today, will affect people generations, generations, and generations for years and years to come.

When I personally came to the realization of this...
My heart was quickened and right then and there,
I began to pray for my future family;
I pray that we will be built on a strong faith and have a solid Christian foundation.
I pray that I will have the sweet pleasure of seeing my future children worship beside me in church. I pray I see the day when my children are water baptized. I pray for the day
I send my teenagers off on a foreign mission's trip by themselves.
I pray for the day when I see my daughter giving her testimony at a Young Women's conference.
I pray for the day that when my son comes home to tell us with such excitement that he is going to marry his match-made in heaven gal,
that I am able to rejoice and pray with him.  
I pray I am able to see my young Grand-children be dedicated unto the Lord. I pray that my children will follow their God-given dreams and do amazing mind-blowing things with the Lord by their side every step of the way. I pray that my future husband and I will be able to bless our children with unique wisdom for each of them, direct from their Creator.
I pray that the Lord's name will be glorified in my home, now and forevermore in my family for generations to come.
So today Ladies, take a moment and pray about the 'forevermore'. Take a moment and thank the Lord for the future family He has waiting for you.
Take a moment and...
Glorify His name now and forevermore.
Until Next Time,

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