Thursday, August 21, 2014


The daily challenge and severe struggle of today's generation is getting people to actually 'act' as themselves. 

With all the latest and hottest 
pop stars and famous actresses, making their lives look 
Why would people even want to be 'themselves' when they could be so much more?! 

This is speaking from experience...
It was back in the year 2007, 
when all I wanted to be was, 
"Hannah Montana." 
The lights, dreams, traveling, 
world tours, musician life, 
it was truly 'the best of both worlds'
in my 10 year old eyes ;) 

Whether it was the Hannah Posters, notebooks, magazines, cd's, the tv series, pens, pencils...
HAD to have it all! 

Coming off of the Hannah Montanna phase, I dove right into wanting to be a girl from the 1800's. 
Strange...? I know! 
A girl, who learned to sew, cook at a young age,
and where life was simple and sweet.  
Yes, I took this one kind of to the, next level where
I was almost wearing an old fashion apron everyday. 
Thank goodness those pictures are put away 
in safe-keeping haha ;) 

Whether it was wanting to be Hannah Montanna or the simple 1800's girl...I still was a wanting to be someone else, then who I actually was. I realize now, that was just childhood phases, but seriously.

Sometimes even now, as a teenager 
I myself get caught in this trap of character and of identity
I start looking at others lives and 
the comparison bug comes and bites me a little bit,
and then I don't even realize that I'm trying with all
my power and might to become like that person. 

A very wise lady once told me...
"You never know if someone else,
 is looking up to you...So if you try and be someone else that your not, let's just say... it will be a big identity mess." 

We each are given divine, unique talents, so why try to be like the other girl or guy? Why try to change yourself, to be like the latest pop-star? The big question all comes down to...Why? God created you with such an incredible master-plan in mind. He looks forward to using YOU! 
Yes, you! He has exciting times ahead in your journey,
he has challenging times in your future but He will always be there. So just 'Be YOU!'

Until Next Time,


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