Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Simplicity of His Presence.

Something I have recently been learning is that you don't need a big church service with lights, instruments, guest speakers and a bunch of people, to feel the presence of God...

Although, these are all important in our Christian walk, they are only a part of God's Orchestra on the earth... 
I have always had the mindset that you need a conference or a big church event or even just a Pastor praying for you to have an "Encounter" with the Holy Spirit. 
I think the reason why I have always had this mindset is because that's the only places I had ever had an "Encounter" with the Holy Spirit, in a way like that ever before. 

Actually speaking of encounters with the Holy Spirit, just recently my church was having a Baptismal service at the beginning of this past summer!  (I always get so excited for Water Baptisms!! It is one of my favourite times in church) 

As I was standing at the front of the church that particular Sunday morning watching all these people as they came up from under the water, set free and cleansed by the Holy Spirit. It was just amazing and oh so breath-taking! It filled my heart with an abundance of great joy! 

Something that my church does which is really neat and I absolutely love, is that every time someone comes up out of the water we Celebrate as a Congregation, as a Community, as a Church Family. 
We shout for joy because a life now has a fresh start... To not look at the past but, to look forward to what God has in store for their new life!!
Off with the old, on with the new :) 

As they came near to the end of the water baptisms that day and things were starting to get a little more quiet and peaceful in the Sanctuary...
One of the pastors said "If anyone wants to be baptized there is still time... Don't worry we can find you a towel ;)." 
As she spoke those words I instantly had the urge, to want to be water baptized again for the second time, 
And I didn't even know why!? 

I had already been water baptized before so why again?...I was like "okay am I going crazy?!" or is this actually the Holy Spirit telling me to do something?(on top of all this, I was wearing a pretty dress and high heels that Sunday...Goodness! Holy Spirit could have warned me that I needed to bring an outfit 

So I ran over to my mom who was standing on the other side of the Sanctuary and I told her all my thoughts...Long story short, I got water Baptized (in my pretty dress) for the second time and had an amazing life-altering experience with God in that tank!

It wasn't about the many Pastors being in the tank praying for me, or the bunch of people watching, or the up-beat music playing in the back ground, or even my friends and family standing outside of the tank supporting me.
It was just me and the Holy Spirit getting re-connected in such a simple, deeper, and intimate way :) 

After I came up from the water that day I felt so alive,free, and ready to take on whatever life would throw my way...because I knew the Holy Spirit lives inside of me & is always there!

Whenever life has gotten stressful and times get rough...(well as rough as a 15year olds life can 
I think back to that "Encounter" with the Holy Spirit that radically changed my life forever that one Sunday morning. I will cherish those tender memories and I so look forward to many more Encounters with my sweet King :) 

If you remember anything from today's post remember this...
You don't need a Church service or a Water Baptism or even a Pastor praying for you to have an "Encounter" of His wonderful, sweet presence... Holy Spirit is so simple but, so meaningful that you could receive a "touch" of his wonderful presence while drinking your tea this morning!!

You never know when he's going to pop by... Better keep the kettle on ;) 

Take a few minutes and just simply listen to The Lord. Open your heart to what the Holy Spirit wants to speak to YOU this morning...
Have an incredibly blessed day!!!

  Until next time,

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