Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Guard your heart!

Proverbs 4:23 (NLT) 
"Guard your heart above all else, 
for it determines the course of your entire Life." 

As I read this verse in my morning devotions the other day, The Lord stirred something deep within me. 

"...Kerrington, Do you actually put effort into guarding your heart?" I thought. I am truly now devastated to say at times that, I have not...Guarding your heart is a process of constantly cultivating a Life-style that always is aware of its surroundings.

May I remind you dear Sisters, 
that Satan is only here to come and attempt to steal,
kill, and destroy our hearts. 

As the Holy Spirit brought to mind some of the times I hadn't properly guarded my heart, as I should have. 
I usually ended in tears, at the end of it all.
Holy Spirit showed me in such a way that brought me new realization, that He was truly with me, through it all. 

Although, I didn't feel His presence at times,
He was there; ...When no one else was. 
Sisters, If you only get one thing from today's post...
get this: 
"Guard your hearts!!"

Don't be the super 'easy-to-get' kinda gal...Be the more guarded and protected young woman of Christ waiting patiently, for your God-ordained Prince Charming. 

Dear Heavenly Father, 
I thank you so very much for each and every young woman reading this right now. I thank you for stirring my heart and being with me, as I shared so vulnerably today. Jesus, protect these women and I pray that you too would stir their hearts, and that we would become a generation so very aware of our surroundings and so aware of your precious Holy presence. We together, Thank you for your ending Grace and everlasting Love. In your Name, Amen! 

So Sisters, take time and be on guard for your hearts.
They are worth more, than you know. 
Because always remember...
" determines the course of your entire life."
(Proverbs 4:23b) 

Until Next Time, 


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