Sunday, August 03, 2014

The Unknown.

My heart is so full...As I now have finally made my decision and have recently stepped into a new roll in
Women's Ministry in the blogging world; 
I now temporarily will be a writer for 
'We are his Daughters' 
online women's ministry blog! 
My weekly column entitled 
{GIRL EDITION} is something 
God has so firmly engraved on my heart. 
And has called me to step into... 

I was asked a couple weeks ago 
if I would be willing to accept this new opportunity of writing... 
And honestly. I was so very nervous. 

Me...being the girl that I am, have been totally procrastinating till now about the entire thing..."Why?" 
You may ask. It's not that big of a deal! You are just writing from your heart...right?
To me. I look at this, 
As a new season that God is calling me into.
I don't want to take any of it lightly. 

Ladies, Have you ever felt this way, when you felt God's call into the step of the unknown?! 

As I tried to relax and pray about the
whole situation in my quiet time, 
The Lord placed a certain verse upon my heart and He made it known to me, that the 'unknown' is not to be a scary place but, a place of exciting new opportunity.
Because in the unknown, He is already there. 

He's the one who makes me courageously brave,
when the waves of fear come crashing in like a tidal wave...
Wherever He may call me, 
He will make me brave for He, " not the Author of confusion and fear, but of peace." (And of a sound mind) 
-1Corinthians 14:33 
So you may be wondering...
"Will you still be writing on your blog?"
Yes! Absolutely. I will continue my writings
and now have the pleasure of
writing on another beautiful blog.
Check it out at:

Until Next Time,
(Here and Now also There ;))


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