{Day Five}
Written by: Mandy Lawrence-Hill
Every time I think of you - and I think of you often! - I thank God for your lives of free and open access to God, given by Jesus. There's no end to what has happened in you - it's beyond speech, beyond knowledge." 1 Corinthians 1:4-5
I made a decision to give my heart to Jesus when I was thirteen years old. I can still remember that day....there was a special group of singers that were at my home church and they asked at the end of their presentation if there was anyone who wanted to give their heart over to God. With certainty I raised my hand and accepted the invitation to make Jesus Christ my personal Lord and saviour.
I am so thankful for the many people who have furthered my faith by leading by example since that initial day of my salvation. I think of these people often and I thank God for their very important inspirations in my life.
This (Canadian) thanksgiving day, can you reflect on anyone who has influenced your faith for the good? Perhaps they encouraged you somehow....or perhaps they prayed for you during a rocky time in your life....perhaps just by being steady in their faith and living an exemplary life has furthered your faith. Perhaps it was someone from long ago....or perhaps it is someone that you met just recently.
Let's give thanks today for the person or people who have increased our faith. I can think of some very important people who have influenced some pretty pivotal moments in my life for the good. I am so thankful for these people and the ways that they have been a blessing to me.
Father God, THANK YOU! Thank You for dying on the cross so that we could have life and life to the full. Thank You for faith and hope and love! I think of the many people who have influenced my life just by loving and serving You with their whole heart and I pray rich, abundant blessings over their lives. I think of the people who have spoken encouragement over me, or who have prayed for me during difficult times and I pray rich blessings over them as well. For the family and friendships you have blessed me with; thank You, Jesus! I love you God, Amen.
About Mandy:
Mandy is an imperfect work in progress! She loves the Lord with her whole heart and counts it her biggest privilege to serve Him in ministry however He leads. Born and raised in Halifax, Nova Scotia, she now resides in south-western Ontario with her family. She has been married to her handsome husband Nathan for 10 years and together they have served in ministry for the entirety of their marriage. Nathan & Mandy have four beautiful children; Benjamin, Sophia & Spencer & newest little addition, Grayson. (all ages 5 and under!)
Mandy is the president and founder of the ministry blog called ‘We are His daughters’ (www.weareHisdaughters.com) and thoroughly enjoys writing and contributing to this ministry.
Mandy is also passionate about singing, worship leading and music. She loves reading, writing, decorating cakes, painting and sipping peppermint hot chocolate at Starbucks while chatting with a friend! She strives to be tidier, more organized (yes, she is a little compulsive!), a little more Martha Stewart-esque, and a little less ‘unglued’. Most of all she seeks to be holier and to love God through serving her family and her community.
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