Thursday, July 31, 2014

{SISTERS WEEK} "Bauer Girls"

A Tribute written by a 'Sister.'
~Abby Bauer

"Close together or far apart my sisters will always be in my heart."

First thing, you should know about my sisters and I, Is that we are REALLY close....for real! I am the youngest girl in my family... Johnny, our younger brother who is 12. Grace, our sister that is 18 and Hannah, our oldest sister is 20. (And... I'm 15 in case you were wondering ha-ha!)

My parents have homeschooled us all, since day one!

I literally spent 24/7 with my sisters. And I wouldn't take back a second of it, spending all that time with them we would talk about anything and everything...

We all shared a room and we would talk every night for like an hour and pray before we went to sleep!!

Time has gone by so quickly...and we haven't shared a room with each other in quite some time now.

Grace, is in Guatemala on a mission trip for two months and then coming home for two weeks and then she will be off to Germany for her first year of college.

Hannah, Our oldest sister is currently traveling the United States doing many different camp programs where they go from church to church.
So that just leaves Johnny and I at home with Mom and Dad... At first it was really hard not having them at home and it still truly is but, I guess, I have begun to get used to it a little bit...

My Sisters and I, certainly don't get to talk as much as we all used to and that is something, I really miss. It sounds weird but, I actually miss cleaning up all their stuff.

(Which was usually scattered across our bedroom floor.) 
Oh the Joys of Sisterhood!

Even though my sisters and I are living far apart,
they will always be in my heart! :)


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